Staff cyber security training is essential for every business. With technology advancing at an unprecedented rate, our lives and businesses are being stored and managed digitally. While this is great for productivity, it also provides a new avenue for cybercriminals to exploit.

Cybercrime is a major threat to businesses of all sizes. In fact, research shows that by 2021, the cost of cybercrime damage is expected to hit $6 trillion. With the average cost of a data breach coming in at $3.86 million, it’s important that you do everything you can to protect your business and your customers from the threat of cybercrime.

1. Create a Cyber Security Training Plan

In order to get the most out of your staff cyber security training, you need to make sure that you are developing a plan that will help you to meet your goals.

For example, if you are trying to reduce the number of phishing emails that are opened by your staff, you will need to make sure that your training plan includes a section on phishing.

You will also need to make sure that your training plan is updated regularly to make sure that it is still relevant to your staff.

2. Make Cyber Security Training Fun

Cyber security training can be a little dull if you let it. However, the more interactive and fun you make it, the more engaged your staff will be.

The key to making cyber security training fun is to use a variety of different techniques. For example, you could use videos, quizzes, games, and role-playing exercises to keep things interesting.

You could also use humor to liven things up a bit. Just be sure to use it appropriately, and don’t make light of the serious nature of cyber security threats.

3. Use Real-Life Examples in Your Cyber Security Training

One of the most effective ways to teach your employees about cyber security is to use real-life examples. This can help to show them the potential consequences of a cyber attack and why it is so important to take cyber security seriously.

You can use examples of recent cyber attacks, data breaches, and other incidents to help illustrate your points. You can also use case studies to show your employees how other companies have dealt with cyber security threats.

By using real-life examples, you can help to make your cyber security training more engaging and relevant to your employees. This can help to increase the likelihood that they will take the training seriously and apply what they have learned in their day-to-day work.

4. Use a Combination of Cyber Security Training Techniques

No two people are the same, and this is also true for the way they learn. Some might be visual learners, while others might prefer to read about a topic. That’s why it’s important to use a combination of cyber security training techniques.

This will help ensure that you’re reaching everyone on your team, regardless of their learning style. Plus, it will keep your training sessions from getting boring, which can lead to employees tuning out.

In addition to traditional training sessions, you can also use e-learning courses, videos, and even games to teach your staff about cyber security.

5. Leverage Cyber Security Training Resources

Cyber security training resources are a great way to get the most bang for your buck with your staff training. You can use these resources to supplement your own training materials or to build out an entire training program.

One of the best things about cyber security training resources is that they are often free or low-cost. This means that you can provide your staff with high-quality training without breaking the bank.

Some examples of cyber security training resources include online courses, webinars, videos, infographics, and more. You can find these resources on a wide variety of websites, or you can even create your own.

6. Make Cyber Security Training a Continuous Process

As technology evolves, so do the threats that come with it. That’s why it’s crucial for companies to make staff cyber security training a continuous process.

You can’t expect your employees to know how to protect themselves and your company from cyber threats if you only train them once a year. Instead, make cyber security training an ongoing part of your company’s culture.

This can be done through regular meetings, emails, or even quick training videos that your employees can watch on their own time. The key is to keep the conversation going and to make sure that your employees are up-to-date on the latest threats and best practices.

By making staff cyber security training a continuous process, you can help protect your company from cyber threats and ensure that your employees are prepared to take on any challenges that may come their way.

7. Get Buy-In for Cyber Security Training from the Top

Many employees think that cyber security training is just a way for their company to cover their backs. This can be particularly true if a business has been the victim of a cyber-attack and is now introducing training.

To get your staff on board with cyber security training, you need to get buy-in from the top. This means that your company’s leadership team needs to be seen to be taking cyber security seriously.

When your staff see that the leaders of your company are committed to cyber security, they will be more likely to take it seriously themselves. This will help to create a culture of cyber security within your business.


The more your staff knows about cyber security, the less likely it is that your business will be the victim of a cyber attack. It is worth the time and effort to train your staff in cyber security.